move play reach

A circle is round and it has no end… there are no sharp corners and no pretend… the power of meeting in a circle dates back to the beginning of time. The act of gathering together to support one another brings deep nourishment and healing during our most vulnerable times.

The journey of becoming a parent should not be navigated alone. During this time we need elders and aunties and friends and peers. You never have to do it alone, when you are a friend of Reach.

Reach creates a collaborative environment free of judgement while understanding your baby’s developmental needs and challenges and working together to create the best opportunities for healthy development. With playful, enthusiastic and highly experienced instructors, Reach offers a one hour program for babies and their parents to move, play and reach their the personal best.

Working together, we will guide you through transitional and functional movements and purposeful play activities to do with your baby.

Our Classes

Jell O

0-4 months

A brand new world awaits your infant. As this world is so new to them (and to you), we will gently introduce you and your baby to movements, activities and opportunities that will help each stage of development to unfold seamlessly. Your baby is likely 0 to 4mths old – but reach out to us if you are not sure.

Jelly Bean

4-8 months

This stage is specific to babies who may be rolling and pivoting but are not yet moving forwards. Our facilitators will help to guide you and your baby through specific patterns of movement, while building strength in you and your baby and establishing important daily rituals to promote the natural sequence of development. Your baby might be 4 to 8mths old – but reach out to us if you are not sure.

Gummi Bear

6-12 months

Gummi bears are approximately 6 – 12mths old and are moving forward in a prone position (on the belly). This group will be consolidating early skills while honing strength, coordination and balance. These vital areas of development require early tuning in order to establish concrete foundations.

Jelly Tots

9-12 months

Class - Jelly Tots

Jelly Tots are moving proficiently on hands and knees, testing out their balance on two legs by pulling up to stand. Approximately 9-12 months old, they move quickly and are confident problem solvers.

